Across the globe, cybersecurity is considered to be a very real problem which everybody with every kind of device is facing is it, individuals, business organisations it will never matter. Hence, everybody who is connected with the utilisation of technology and has a good amount of reliance on the connectivity will be the prime market for all these kinds of issues and the following are some of the very basic types of cyber attacks along with some of their corrective actions:

  1. Malware: This particular type of thread is the most common one and is around since the inception of the internet and has been continued to be a consistent problem for people. It ranges with the unusual behaviour and also includes the deleting of files, stealing of information and several other kinds of things. The proactive approach is considered to be the best possible way of dealing with this particular system and further, the organisations need to indulge in the implementation of anti-malware programs along with a proper combination of antivirus so that they can deal with all these kinds of issues very easily and efficiently.
  2. Password Theft: A very common situation is when the individuals will log in to the account is that their password has been changed and all the details are lost. Hence, being aware of this particular system can lead to different kinds of issues for the people and for this purpose they need to indulge in the implementation of the two-factor authentication because this is considered to be the most robust protection method which will further make sure that additional devices will be required to complete the login process. Additionally depending upon the complicated logins will help in making sure that force items will be there and overall goals will be efficiently achieved.
  3. Traffic interception: This particular concept will occur when a third party will listen to the information sent between the user and the host in this particular type of information can be very easily stolen depending upon the levels of traffic and the intention of the hacker. Hence, to get rid of this particular issue the individuals need to avoid compromise websites for example which are not utilising HTML5 because this is considered to be the best possible defence in all these kinds of cases. Apart from this encrypting the traffic and utilisation of the VPN is considered to be a very good preventive method throughout the process.
  4. DDOS: This is considered to be the Distributed Denial of Service and this is the attack-based method in which the malicious parties will be targeting the servers and will be offloading and overloading them with the use of traffic. If the server will be unable to handle the incoming request the website host will shut down because of the unusable performance. So, stopping the DDOS will always require people to identify the malicious traffic and indulge in stopping the access. This process can take a lot of time depending on how many malicious information protocols are there to distribute the attack and further it is very much important for the people to take the servers to an off-line environment for maintenance purpose.
  5. Cross-site attack: This is also referred to as the XSS attack and under this particular system the third party will help in targeting the vulnerable website typically the one which lacks encryption. Once the target of the dangerous code has been loaded into the website the user will be accessing the website and the payroll will be delivered to the system or the browser that can lead to unwanted behaviour in the whole process. Hence, the very basic goal of this particular system is to deal with standard services or stealing user information. Encryption is considered to be one of the best possible ways on the behalf of the host of the website in this particular case to get rid of the problem and users can also go with the option of installing the script blocker add-ons in the browser if they are interested to have a good amount of browsing control.
  6. Zero-day exploits: After the discovery of the zero double ability the exploit will be the targeted attack against the system, network or software in this particular attack will take the advantage of the overlooked security problem which can cause unusual behaviour, damage the data or steal the information. Hence, stopping the exploits can be considered to be challenging for both discovering the loopholes and releasing a fix for them. In some cases, the zero-day vulnerability can even exist for an extended period before it has been discovered. Hence, it is very much important for people to indulge in maintaining good safety habits until a particular fix has been released.
  7. SQL injection: The SQL attack is considered to be the data manipulation that has been implemented to access the information which isn’t meant to be available. Implementation of smart firewalls is considered to be a very good prevention method in this particular area because it is capable of detecting and filtering out unwanted requests and this is considered to be the most effective way of developing the code that will help in the identification of the illegal user inputs perfectly.
  8. Social engineering: Social engineering is the umbrella method for attempting to deceive the users in terms of giving away sensitive details and this can occur on any kind of platform through malicious parties and can even go to the great length of accomplishing their goals. Hence, indulging in the remaining sceptical of suspicious messages is a very good idea in this particular area and further one should never give any kind of information to unknown third parties.

 Hence, all the above-mentioned cyber attacks can be very much dangerous for the organisations if not paid attention and understanding the corrective actions is very much important throughout the process so that overall goals of safety and security are very efficiently achieved.